
Proprietary manufacturing facilities, including 2 workshops for sewing army tents, a metalworking workshop for frames of military tents and tents of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, a powder painting workshop, a finished product warehouse, allow us to ship army and military tents, army winter tents, tents of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, tents for geologists and furnaces to customers throughout the Russian Federation.



Being a manufacturer of army, military tents, insulated winter tents, we can offer the customer a quality product with a guaranteed service life/storage.

The delivery of tents is accompanied by a quality certificate and passports. The use of stoves is provided in all tents.



The photo shows the quality of the soldering and seam of the products. In production we use the latest equipment of the Swiss company "LEISTER", HF-welding machines manufactured in Taiwan and industrial long-sleeve sewing machines "TYPICAL".


Advantages of army tents of own production:

  • all-season army tents made of tarpaulin with UPC impregnated with a density of 540 gr/m2. The roofs of the tents are soldered by HF-welding from frost-resistant reinforced PVC fabric with a density of 650 g/ m2;
  • all-season frame military tents and tents of the MCHS made of reinforced double-layer PVC, density 650 g/m2;
  • all tents are designed on the basis of time-tested classic Soviet tents UST-56 and USB-56, and in the line of own products there are tents with a total area of 10 m2 to 80 m2;
  • all tents are equipped with exits under the chimney (one or two depending on the model);
  • affordable price and no intermediaries. So, the average price of 1 m2 of a real two-layer army tent is from 2000 rubles.

Free consultation

 If you have any questions about the assortment or availability of goods, call +7 (977) 141-20-20, +7 (914) 415-18-82 or write a request to

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